What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday is a blog meme hosted by Julia at Stamping Ground.  (Who knew stamps had gotten so sophisticated and fancy?  Not me.)

My daughter's birthday was a few days ago, so I can unveil the project I was working on.  Guess what her favorite show is:

I must say, I think it is the awesomest bookmark that ever did awesome.

In other news, I'm still working on the blog project, which we are hoping to roll out in a couple of weeks.  I've been using my librarian super-powers to invent categories and tags and all that, and I've written articles on teaching library skills to your children and what good chapter books you can read to a small child.


  1. Yep that is one really awesome book tag, love it.

    Happy WOYWW Eliza 26

  2. Fabulous bookmark :-) I have not seen that show for years... I expect it's changed a lot since I was young ?!!! :-D
    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x # 33

  3. Your blog project sounds interesting and my foster son would adore this Whovian themed Bookmark, it's beautifully done. Happy WOYWW! Danie #34

  4. Great bookmark. I am a Dr.Who fan. Not my usual genre, I watched it out of boredom one day and was totally hooked. Your comment about the library article got my attention. I homeschool my youngest (she's in 8th grade), so I read through your blog. I'm incorporating your reading challenges into our curriculum. I'm very excited about it. I plan on doing your reading challenges with my daughter. I had some suggestions for #6; Classic book with animals, off the top of my head I came up with, 1) Animal Farm, 2) Black Beauty, 3) Moby Dick. But that's really for another post. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #3

  5. what an amazing bookmark my daughter would go crazy for it as she is a big fan.
    sounds like you are busy I am sure it is going to be a great when completed
    have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #75

  6. LOVE the sentiment on your book mark!
    Krisha #5

  7. You're right, very awesome indeed, what a fab thing to say for a book. And talking of awesome..love your librarian super powers being used..quite excited to see all the new workings!

  8. Yes, that truly is an awesome bookmark. I feel like I'm missing out not watching Dr. Who, lol.

    Happy woyww!

    Sandy #28

  9. thats really cool, love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  10. I love the docter =) Great bookmark!
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    Monique # 70

  11. Oh my gosh that is the most awesome bookmark EVER!

  12. Do your librarian superpowers enable you to detect unpaid fines as soon as someone walks through the door...or if a book has been marked inside and you haven't even opened it?? Spooky ;-) Don't mind me, I'm teasing! My mum was a village librarian in Wales...I have fond memories of hanging around these ancient oak bookcases from a very early age!
    And your bookmark is completely wonderful - I love the sentiment!
    Hugs, LLJ 46 xx

  13. That is indeed the awesomest bookmark that ever awesomed. Way to go with that. Your daughter was undoubtedly thrilled?

  14. Oh yeah, you should have seen her face!! :D


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