Black Sheep

Black Sheep, by Georgette Heyer

Goodness, you read one of those things and you can't stop!  I had this Heyer novel on my TBR pile and had been ignoring it for at least a year, but it wasn't very appealing.  My copy is an ancient paperback with a truly hideous cover.  It was a lot of fun to read.

Miss Abigail Wendover is a single lady, no longer young (in Regency terms, that means she's 28), attractive and wealthy.  She is very worried about her niece Fanny, who is 17 and madly in love with a charming, calculating fortune-hunter.  As Abby tries to out-maneuver young Mr. Calverleigh
, she meets his uncle--just back from India and the black sheep of his family.  Can she resist his charm and save Fanny as well?

Very fun and fluffy, just like Heyer, though the plot was certainly more serious than the Reluctant Widow story from last week.  Fanny is on the brink of elopement!


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