The Italian Readalong: Week 3

Wow, things have been moving right along in our story!  I am a little frustrated that there has not been one word about Vivaldi all week.  The poor guy is languishing in the dungeons of the Inquisition or something but we don't know a thing about how he's doing.  Spoilers follow:

Our story has followed Ellena and Schedoni almost exclusively.  The Inquisition toughs were only actors, and they turned Vivaldi over to the real thing but brought Ellena out to Schedoni's remote house!  (Which means that Schedoni has indeed turned Vivaldi in.  Boy, that's going to backfire on him, don't you think?)  Ellena is marked for death, but there is a big reveal!

And I really was surprised by it.  I did not expect Schedoni to turn out to be Ellena's father.  What would you bet that he was once married to Olivia?

Meanwhile, the Marchesa has had such a moral downfall that she is upset to hear that maybe it's OK that Ellena is still alive, although she's no happier to think Ellena might be dead:
The Marchesa reclined on a sofa before an open lattice; her eyes were fixed upon the prospect without, but her attention was wholly occupied by the visions that evil passions painted to her imagination. On her still beautiful features was the languor of discontent and indisposition; and, though her manners, like her dress, displayed the elegant negligence of the graces, they concealed the movements of a careful, and even a tortured heart. 

....she wished, yet dared not ask, whether Ellena was no more, and averted her regards from him, whom she almost believed to be a murderer. (p.292-3)
 Schedoni's case is no better:
Schedoni, not less affected, though apparently tranquil, as sedulously avoided the face of the Marchesa, whom he considered with a degree of contempt almost equal to his indignation: his feelings had reversed, for the present, all hi opinions on the subject of their former arguments, and had taught him, for once, to think justly. Every moment of silence now increased his embarrassment, and his reluctance even to name Ellena. He feared to tell that she lived, yet despised himself for suffering such fear, and shuddered at a recollection of the conduct, which had made any assurance concerning her life necessary.
.  No one seems to be too worried about Vivaldi.

What do you think?  Are you enjoying The Italian?  I really am liking it!  Be sure to read chapters 4-10 of Volume III this week!


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