The Black Mirror

The Black Mirror & Other Stories: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Germany & Austria, ed. Franz Rottensteiner, trans. Mike Mitchell

My brother the German expert recommended this book to me a while back and I eventually got around to requesting it through ILL.  It's a neat collection!  Rottensteiner does a historical survey of SF in the German language, beginning with material from the 1870s (which predicts the Internet!).  Sections cover pre-WWI, the inter-war period, post-WWII stories from West and East Germany separately, and then a final post-reunification period of current SF.

Quite a few of the stories are excellent and I really enjoyed them.  A few are a bit dull.  A couple of the modern ones are a little too freaky for my taste, one is alternate history, and the last one will make you sniffle (so don't skip it if you're getting tired).  Here are the ones I liked best:

The Martian Spy
Malvu the Helmsman
The Black Mirror
A Letter From the Other Side

A very interesting collection--if you're an SF person put it on your list of necessary reads. It's worth reading if you're not an SF aficionado too.  I'm not a big SF fan and I liked it.


  1. I read (very badly) in German; this looks fascinating, thanks!

  2. If you read it tell me what you think!

  3. Oh, German SF! I'd love to get my hands on this. Onto the tbr pile!

  4. This seems to be a much more diverse collection than the one I read. Thanks for pointing it out to me, I'll definitely look for it!)


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