Some Mysteries

Lately I've been lucky and was able to re-join my gym.  I love going to the gym, but I need a book--and it can't be too hard to read.  So I like to read mysteries while I'm working out, and here are 4 mysteries I've read lately.

Rainbow's End, by Ellis Peters -- I've never read a Peters book in a modern setting.  I thought the victim's name was pretty improbable (Mr. Rainbow, really?), but the mystery was interesting and had nice medieval relics too.

The Man in the Queue, by Josephine Tey -- Tey mysteries are reliably good.  This one had some nice twists and turns and a manhunt in Scotland too.

The Pilgrim of Hate, by Ellis Peters -- This was a re-read but one nice thing about mysteries is that I nearly always forget who the murderer is.  Brother Cadfael has plenty to do in this story.

After the Armistice Ball, by Catriona McPherson -- The first volume in a new series set in the 1920s.  The detective is a nice, but not terribly exciting, wife and mother with a talent for saying what no one else will.  The mystery here is more realistic than Golden Age mysteries, and so more tragic.  Well-written and with lots of lines that made me laugh and read them out to my husband.


  1. The cover for the Armistice Ball looks great! Will look into the series if you think it is likely to get more promising.

  2. I think I'll read the next one. I like the detective and she's kind of unusual.


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