Reading Challenges Check-in Q3

It's time for the third quarter challenge checks.  I've finished a bunch of things, yippee!  And of course I'm not really satisfied with my progress on my very own Greek challenge, but overall I think I'm doing pretty well.

Greek Classics: I am no longer quite sure how to count them.  Not there yet, but doing OK.  I'll need to spend a lot of November reading Plato!

Medieval Literature: 10/12, yay!  I still need to read Piers Plowman and then choose one more.  Can we do this one again next year?

Back to the Classics 2012: 9/9.  Finished.  A really great challenge, and I'm pretty sure this is what got me started on the path that led to The Classics Club, so definitely one of the highlights of my reading year.

November's Autumn Classics Challenge: 7/7 discussions posted, so officially finished, but I'll keep participating.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 9/9 Finished.

Mixing It Up: 15/16.  Only the food book is left.  My Nemesis.

Mount TBR: 23/25. Almost done!  Though the pile seems as big as ever.

150+ Challenge: 150 Just finished!

World War I Challenge: 4/3.  Extra credit.


  1. Congratulations! That's a lot of challenges done or nearly done. And 150? I don't think you've been doing much light reading!

  2. Congratulations on completing so many challenges with three months still to go! Have you thought about hosting another challenge next year -- the Greeks again or anything else?


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