Warbreaker Readalong II

Time for the second week of Warbreaker discussion--chapters 13-23.  I'm really enjoying this book a lot, it's fun and complicated and puzzling.  And you can always count on Sanderson for snappy dialogue.  You can also admire the UK cover of the book, which is not great but is slightly less bad than the US version.

1) We’ve seen more of Vasher and Nightblood in action and heard perhaps quite a different perspective from the mercenaries. Any thoughts on what Vasher and Nightblood’s nature or motivations may ultimately be?

What is Vasher up to?  Is he trying to overthrow the government or run a rebellion or what?  I wonder how much influence that sword has on him, even unconsciously.
2) How about the mercenaries themselves? Denth seems to be spectacularly dangerous; more than we may have suspected. Then there is Tonk Fah and the recently introduced Jewels. Are they playing it level with Vivenna, do you think?

One hopes, but probably not.  I like the mercenaries, but I expect they've got something going on elsewhere too.  The two men remind me of Mr. Croup (Denth) and Mr. Vandemar (Tonk Fah) from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, only funny and not so horrifying.  Jewels is a Drab, which is interesting.  The mercenaries claim that losing your Breath isn't that big a deal really, but I think it sort of has to be or what's the point?  I'm more inclined to go with Vivienna's belief that Breath is like a soul.

Speaking of Breath, there are 25 or so gods in the court, plus the Godking who gets two Breaths a week.  That's 27 Breaths a week, right?  At that rate, how does anyone in the city avoid becoming a Drab?  And, that's a dang horrifying religion there.
3) We – and Siri – were let in on (some of) the secrets surrounding the God King as well, and what has been done to him to keep him in check. Or at least; we’ve seen Siri’s thoughts on why it was done. Do you think she was right? What consequences do you perhaps see arising from her teaching the Godking?

I think the Godking had a point when he wrote that he has too much power.  That doesn't mean his priests are good, as he believes; it's obvious they aren't.  And keeping the poor Godking illiterate and unable to speak is barbaric--I think Siri is right that not teaching him to read was a strategy to control him.  Last week I thought he might not be sane, and now I'm a bit surprised that he is after several decades of this treatment.

If he gets loose, it will be a problem.  The Godking does have too much power for any person to wield.  I don't care how benevolent he might want to be--it wouldn't work.  He's going to have to die or something.  Can he die?  Maybe he can do the giving-up thing the other gods can do if they want (which they don't).
4) Blushweaver seems to be working toward some end goal we’re not yet privy to, but we know she is after anyone with Lifeless commands. Any ideas what/who/where her target may be once control of the Lifeless is gained?

Maybe she wants to take over the entire government herself!  If she could get the Godking's Breath...would that work?  Or maybe it will turn out that she's secretly a democrat who doesn't believe in the whole Returned religion.


  1. Taking or giving of the Godking's breath is an interesting point to consider.

    In theory it shouldn't be possible -- he can't say the words -- but it has been said by others that the Godking is the only one capable of awakening objects without speaking...

    Oh wait, or was it without touching? I'll have to check that now. But assuming it was without Speaking, perhaps the same is true of gifting his breath.

    In which case.. Hai2u God Queen Siri, Warbreaker. Right? Could be!

  2. I have to wonder about there being a connection of Breath and Soul. There are Drabs that become Drabs as children and go on to have lives - they work, get married, have children. I am not sure yet if they are treated as 2nd class citizens, but still, pretty full life. So, I would say they still have their souls.
    I think Vivenna won't know either way unless she gives up all her breath.


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