Little Women

Little Women, by Lousia May Alcott

I'm going to be writing a bit about this book for the Feminist Classics Project, so this is just a quick post to say that I read Little Women over the past few days and enjoyed it thoroughly.  I always refused to read it when I was a kid--I avoided anything with the word 'classic' on it, especially anything American--and I missed out!  When the movie came out in the mid-90s, an old friend of mine found out that I had never read it.  She bought me a copy, and I have just re-read it again.


  1. I read it when I was young, and heard it read to me when I was younger, but I've recently begun rereading it and I'm finding it's definitely one of those books that works well at different ages. It's certainly an enjoyable classic. =)

  2. I adore this book and am in the middle of rereading it myself. :)

  3. I didn't read this until I was an adult, although I suppose I attempted it as a teen. But it got too intense for me in the middle--with Beth--so I just had to stop reading. I haven't really given this one much of a chance, even as an adult, it's a book that I know I should love, but it's never quite been love.

  4. I started it when I was a kid and grew a little bored at the bits of the book about the girls grown up. I tried it again a few years ago and absolutely fell in love with it. I've started reading it every year as a Christmas tradition.

  5. Little Women is a favorite of mine in years past. I just recently found a beautiful hardcover version and will be reading it again myself.


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