The Victorian Celebration

It's time for Allie's Victorian Celebration at A Literary Odyssey!  I've been looking forward to her event, but then I inspected my book pile and realized that there's not a whole lot of Victorian literature on it at the moment.  I've got medieval, I've got Greek, I've got American Gilded Age and 50's Russian, but not so much of the Victorian.  So I went to the library and checked out some books and here is my list of possibilities:

Framley Parsonage, by Anthony Trollope.  The next Barsetshire novel (#4)
Bleak House, by Charles Dickens.
The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper.  American.
Quo Vadis, by Henryk Sienkiewicz.  Polish.
Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert, but I'm planning on doing a read-along with this one and am not sure when it starts.  Probably soon.  French.

I also have several sensation novels and some Hawthorne on my ereader, so we'll see how it goes.  I do not plan to actually read all of these titles over the next two months--it's just that I like to have lots of choices!

Not only that, but War Through the Generations is having a read-along of Hemingway's Farewell to Arms this month, and I had planned to join that too.  I've never read Hemingway at all, and this seemed like a good chance to try him out.  Between all this and Warbreaker, I guess I'll be sort of busy!


  1. Thanks for joining in on the fun! :)

    And thanks for mentioning that Hemingway readalong...I have that book on my list, but I'll have to see if I can cram it in. I have so many commitments right now!

  2. Interestin list! I haven't read any of these, though I've read quite a few Dickens novels and I did start Madame Bovary once, but put it down pretty quickly (I think I was too young for it). I'll have to go back to that one soon.

    Also, as I mentioned in another of your posts, I do plan to read Trollope for this event ..and it will be my first time with him.

    As for Hemingway... I love him! I've only ever been disappointed by him once (I didn't enjoy The Sun Also Rises, but many people call that a favorite - so who knows?). A Farewell to Arms has always been my favorite Hemingway, but I read The Garden of Eden recently and that's defintiely a very close second, if not tied for favorite. For Whom the Bell Tolls and Old Man & the Sea are also great!

  3. Well there's a Madame Bovary readalong about to start at Classic Case of Madness, if you want to try it out!

    So far I'm finding that Hemingway is not my thing. But I'm only 10 chapters in, maybe I will get hooked?

    Update: Last night I decided I needed to read "The Mystery of a Hansom Cab" right away. Good thing too, since I spent the morning sitting around at Urgent Care, and a nice mystery was just the thing.

  4. It's interesting that you pick some non-English authors. Quo Vadis is great and very touching. I like Madame Bovary too, Flaubert wrote it very beautifully.

    I haven't heard about Framley Parsonage, is that a serial?

    My Victorian posts are here:

  5. Yes, Fanda, Framley Parsonage is #4 in the 6-book Barsetshire Chronicles. It's not exactly famous these days. :) Thanks for stoppying by!


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