Greek Classics: April Wrapup

I don't know about you lovely folks, but I have been slumping in the Greek department this month.  I have only managed to read Book III of the Histories, and I only have 14 more pages to go in Book IV but I haven't quite gotten to it!  I'm thinking maybe I should tuck a few Euripides plays in for variety--and ease, since my Histories book weighs about 20 pounds.  It's not very convenient for reading on the go.

On the whole, though, I'm not inclined to feel bad about my reading this month; as we wind down the school year, we are all feeling a little frazzled and wanting more brain candy than ancient Greek history.   Our local schools, for reasons no one seems to fathom, end in mid-May and begin in mid-August, so at work we're gearing up for finals, and at home I'm resolved to finish the 3rd-grader's math book even if it means an extra week of math lessons. 

I plan to do a lot more reading once summer gets going--and oh, how we are looking forward to it!  Of course, I'm also planning to study math and chemistry, spend a lot of time swimming or playing at the creek, and get some serious sewing in, so I don't know how realistic that is. 

Link up your April Greek experiences below!


  1. I am a slacker. I have done no Greek reading. NONE. sigh We are wrapping up school here too, as well as trying to decide what to do with a reticent soon-to-be 9th grader (who will be lucky to make it to high school without my tearing into him like one of the Furies on a bad day). I am hoping to get back on track over the summer. Cheers!


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