Archer's Goon

Archer's Goon, by Diana Wynne Jones

As we all know, Diana Wynne Jones is my favorite. Since the Fire and Hemlock read-along is coming up, and my older daughter has been reading a few new-to-her titles, it put me in a mood to read one now. My daughter asked to read Archer's Goon, and since my old paperback copy is close to falling apart, I checked it out of the library for her and promptly read it myself.

Archer's Goon has always been one of my favorite DWJ titles. I just love the loopy plot, and Awful has got to be one of the all-time best characters in the history of children's literature. DWJ was always very good at sibling relationships, and this story is full of great siblings fighting or learning how to handle each other. It's too bad it hasn't been reprinted for a long time--somebody, reprint this great book!

This cover is not the one I have, and anyway I've never seen a really good one.


  1. Awful is one of my favorite DWJ characters as well! I'm also doing the Fire and Hemlock readalong and I can't wait!


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