1st Quarter Challenge Update

Since it's the end of the first quarter of the year, everyone is posting about their progress in their reading challenges. I suppose I'd better report too. Here we go:

Greek Literature Challenge : in my very own challenge, I slowed down a bit this month. I meant to read all of Herodotus by the end of March, not two books out of nine! I have completed 4 works, plus the Herodotus, so I'll give myself a 4.2/12.

Medieval Literature Challenge: I have exactly the same score! I have read 4 works, and I've finished 2 days of Boccaccio's Decameron, so 4.2/12.

Back to the Classics Challenge: There are 9 books to read in this challenge and I've read 3 so far. I'm also in the middle of Eugene Onegin and The Tempest, which both go towards this one. 3.5/9

A Classics Challenge: I've posted 3 not-terribly-profound discussions for this one, and failed to complete one that I meant to do. The goal is for 7. 3/7

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: I've read 6 out of 9 and am in the middle of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I've never read Jules Verne before! 6.5/9

Mixing It Up Challenge: There are 16 categories, and I've read a slightly ridiculous 12 books so far. I'm currently reading The Old Curiosity Shop (though I haven't touched it for a week, I'm enjoying it fine). 12.5/16

Mount TBR: Bev already required a post on progress, and I've read 11/12 and moved up to the next goal of 25. 11.2/25

150+ Challenge: So far this year I've read 62 books. I've never in my life actually counted how many books I read before. 62/150

World War I Challenge: Just the one so far: 1/3

How are you doing on your reading?


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