It's Classics Club Spin #28!!

 Hey folks!  I have been in a little bit of a slump, but I've also been working on blogging projects that were due way early, and that's where the energy has gone.  Keep an eye out for Witch Week, that's all I'm saying!  I have five or six books here waiting for review and I want to work on them, but first -- a SPIN!  Yay!!

You know the rules, or if you don't, you can read them at the Classics Club postBrona and I now hold the record for having participated in all the Spins!  Here are my picks, and I'm excited because now that I'm back at work on location, I don't have to limit myself to titles I already have.  I can spice it up some.  I've tried to pick a few seasonally-appropriate spooky-sounding titles...

  1. Madwoman on the Bridge, by Su Tong
  2. Old Norse Women's Poetry  
  3.  The Leopard, by di Lampedusa
  4.  Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens
  5. The Gray Earth, by Galsan Tshinag 
  6. Samguk Yusa (Korean legends)
  7. The Female Quixote, by Charlotte Lennox
  8. Darkwater, by W. E. B. DuBois 
  9. The Witch of Edmonton, a play by Rowley, Dekker, and Ford
  10. The Angel of the West Window, by Gustav Meyrink
  11. It is Acceptable (Det Gaar An), C. J. L. Almqvist 
  12. Plum Bun, by Jessie Redmon Fauset
  13. Amerika, by Kafka
  14. Marriage, by Susan E. Ferrier
  15. Selected stories of Le Fanu
  16. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, by Selma Lagerlöf
  17. Homeric Hymns
  18. The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris
  19. The Black Arrow, by R. L. Stevenson 
  20. Stories by Washington Irving


  1. Oh my goodness, The Leopard, The Leopard! I still have to read it and have been putting it off because the writing in my paperback is so small. Or the Homeric Hymns. But no. 18 & 19 would be good too. Good luck!!

  2. Woohoo, a wonderful list! And congratulations on holding the record!

  3. I've not heard of most of these, so I'll just wish you a choice you will love!

  4. The Leopard is pretty great, or maybe it will finally be The Black Arrow. Still, as usual I hope you get something obscure: let's say, The Witch of Edmonton!

  5. Love that many of your titles can also be read for RIP and Get Your Goth On - bravo!
    My list will go up later this week - congrats on our 28th spin :-)

  6. I do hope the spin falls on Amerika.

    Wow. Twenty-eight spins! Good luck!

  7. You have the most interesting list with the most unique titles this time! Well done! Here is my list:

  8. What a wonderfully diverse list! I’ll be very interested in reading about your spin book. I would love to read Samguk Yusa because I’m very interested in Korean folklore and mythology right now. Enjoy!


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