A Friend in Need

 Hey folks,

I'm putting this here because if you read my blog, you've seen this person's influence in my life.  She was my favorite professor at Cal, and from her I learned the joys of medieval literature, such as the Quest for the Holy Grail, Lancelot, and Eneas.  She's also just a wonderful person in general, and endlessly kind and patient with worried students (who invariably treat her as a confidant).  Her daughter, who was born just after I graduated from Cal, has just posted a fundraiser, because between chronic health problems, less income in the pandemic, and the insane costs of Bay Area life, she's about to lose their home.  If you happen to have a little bit extra and can put something towards helping somebody I'm very fond of, please do.

I don't want to steal the fund picture, so here's an illustration of Sir Eneas in his ship.


  1. I'm glad that I saw this post, Jean. I went and donated. We all have to help each other when we can. I wish I could have given more. Please let us know what happens. Wishing her all the best!

  2. That was me, Cleo, above. My gmail is acting up.

  3. Thank you so much, Cleo!! <3 I will post an update when I know more.

  4. Yay!!! So glad that her house is saved!

  5. I was going to write a post about that! I guess I still will. Yes, I am happy and relieved. Thank you!


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