Doing some catching up...

Every time I think I'm going to catch up with this blog, I get one post up, feel proud, and then all of a sudden it's a week (or more!) later and I have no idea what happened.  Well, now I'm on spring break, and any big fancy plans I had fell through, so I have few excuses.  Prepare to hear from me a lot.  I hope.

Also, just a quick note, I'm not seeing your posts right now, because my blog feed software was elderly and it gave up the ghost.  I'm working on getting something new going....

I've been doing a lot of cool stuff though!  I applied for a grant at work, finally finished a major quilt top I've had in the works for a long time, made a blank book, and today I went on our traditional spring wildflower hike.  Behold, Kellogg's monkeyflower!  (Regular monkeyflower is yellow.) 

Too big to get into the photo

A book!  With Coptic stitch!

Stay tuned, I'm working on posts!


  1. Lovely to see your name in my feed however many times a week you can manage 😊
    I use Feedly to track all the blogs I follow if that’s useful to you.

  2. Hi Brona! Thanks :) My clever geek husband fixed us up and we're so happy to be able to read posts again!


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