And my special Spin number is...


Which means I'll be reading The Fortunes of Richard Mahony, by Henry Handel Richardson.   Henry Handel Richardson was actually Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson (1870 - 1946), and when I put it on the list, I forgot that The Fortunes of Richard Mahony is in fact three novels that got collected into one volume: Australia Felix, The Way Home, and Ultima Thule.  So that adds up to a good 800+ pages, yikes!  It's supposed to be a lot of adventure, but maybe I should have just picked the first volume?  We'll see how it goes.  I only have this book in Kindle, which I always find a little more difficult than reading a book, but after all, we're all home all the time now.

So on the whole, I'm pretty excited!  Here we go!


  1. Wow, I've never even heard of this novel but I'm definitely interested! Another 800 page Victorian novel to add to my list, huzzah!

  2. Well, pre-mid-century anyway! I forgot to post the publication dates, which are 1917, 1925, 1929. :) It starts off in the gold fields of Australia, and the Australian gold rush started in 1851, so it is indeed set in the Victorian era. So far I feel right at home; I live in California gold rush country!

  3. I'd never heard of this one either, but I saw where Brona was super-enthused, and she knows her Australians, sounds very promising. Hope you enjoy it!

  4. I think you could definitely pare this down to just one of the three volumes and still be true to the spirit of the thing! I've never heard of this but will be interested to see what you think when you read it!

  5. You always have such interesting lists - and here's yet another title I've not heard of, or the author. But it sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy!


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