November Reading Events

There are so many events coming up in November, I do not know how I will manage!  I want to participate in all of them!  But that is tricky.  Here they are:

Witch Week is coming!  Hosted by Chris and Lizzie, this year's theme will be villains. As you know, Witch Week is the week between Halloween and Guy Fawkes.  And there's a readalong of Cart and Cwidder!

Brona will be hosting her popular and beloved AusReading Month event.  She has bingo!  I am signing up to read Jill Ker Conway's memoirs, The Road from Coorain and True North, both of which have been on my TBR shelf for a while now.

I have been unaware of Caroline and Lizzy's annual German Reading Month -- how did I miss that??  This looks super-exciting because they have all these cool things to do, which I will almost certainly not manage.  Here's a rundown of their program:
To commemorate The Fall of the Wall there will be an ex-DDR week. For the founding of the Weimar Republic, the badge has been converted to Bauhaus-favoured sans serif typography and we will host a readalong of Alfred Döblin’s seminal Berlin Alexanderplatz. Last, but definitely not least, there will be a Goethe Reading Week.
I could re-read Berlin Alexanderplatz!  I read it in about 1993 and I remember little, though we watched some of the movie too.  I mean I could have a whole Döblin party over here, because I also have his A People Betrayed, which is at least as long as Berlin Alexanderplatz.  (I stole it from my brother.)  And there's a DDR week!  However, I had already plucked Wolfram von Eschenbach's medieval knightly tale Willehalm off my TBR shelf.  What to do, what to do....

AND Non-Fiction November is happening too.  Last year I only did a couple installments, and then we had the fire, and I couldn't do anything for a while.  Now we're all gearing up for remembrances and such, and there's going to be a documentary on Netflix (which is not the same thing as the documentary Ron Howard is making for National Geographic).  Here are the Non-Fiction November categories:

Week 1: (Oct. 28 to Nov. 1) – Your Year in Nonfiction (Julz of Julz Reads)
Week 2: (Nov. 4 to 8) – Book Pairing (Sarah of Sarah’s Book Shelves)
Week 3: (Nov. 11 to 15) – Be The Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert (Katie at Doing Dewey)
Week 4: (Nov. 18 to 22) – Nonfiction Favorites (Leann of Shelf Aware)
Week 5: (Nov. 25 to 29) – New to My TBR (Rennie of What’s Nonfiction)

So it's all very very exciting, and pretty overwhelming.  I can't do all the things.  But I will probably try.


  1. So many great reading possibilities for November. It seems a bit overloaded!

  2. Thank you for the shout! I’m trying to combine as many as I can by reading my Aussie non-fiction but I also want to reread The Handmaud’s Tale for #marm & I have a German novella that I might squeeze in.
    Can’t believe it’s a year since those big fires. Noticed on the news last night though, that there seem to be more blazing near San Fran. We’re also having a bad start to our fire season. Northern NSW has had some terrible blazes, hard to put out because of the underground peat & local water restrictions.

  3. Yes indeed, there are more fires. The one in Sonoma (north of SF) is awful, and the one down in LA seems pretty bad too. Every time the wind blows, they shut down the electricity over wide swaths of country, because the power company neglected maintenance in favor of profits for years, and the dilapidated equipment starts fires (including ours last year and the Sonoma one now). It's crazy. We need rain!


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