Brona posted this fun meme on her blog -- I don't know where she got it from -- and I thought I'd join in.  For one thing, I love the image!

Just post a list of A-Z, and fit a title to each one!  Brona very impressively had a title for each letter, even X.  I bet I cannot do that well.  However, that's at least partly because I keep a lot of my book wishlist on the shelves at work.  I keep track of the books I purchase on a spreadsheet so I know when they've arrived.  It's easy to add a field that marks the books I want to read.  Of course, I also want to read books that I didn't purchase...I keep a mental list of those, or check them out when I spot them, so I don't forget.  Anyway, here we go:

A -- Ancilla to Classical Reading, by Moses Hadas
B -- Black Renaissance, by Miklos Szentkuthy
C -- Coming Up for Air, by George Orwell
D -- Douglass: Autobiographies
E --  Extraordinary Delusions and the Popular Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay
F -- The Future is History, by Masha Gessen
G -- Getting at the Truth, by Robert Millet
H -- The High Book of the Grail (Perlesvaus)
I -- The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis
J --  Jill Kerr Conway, The Road to Coorain and True North
K -- Krakatoa, by Simon Winchester
L -- Lorna Doone, by Blackmore
M -- Medieval Mysteries, Moralities, and Interludes, ed. by Vincent Hopper
N -- A Novel Bookstore, by Laurence Cosse
O -- On Foot to the Golden Horn, by Jason Goodwin
P -- The Parthenon Enigma, by Joan Breton Connelly
Q --       O_O
R -- Russian Tattoo: A Memoir, by Elena Gorokhova
S --  Sixpence in Her Shoe, by Phyllis McGinley
T -- The Thirty Years' War, by C. V. Wedgwood
U -- The Uncommercial Traveller, by Charles Dickens
V -- The View from the Cheap Seats, by Neil Gaiman

W -- When the World Spoke French, by Marc Fumaroli
X -- Xenophon's Hellenika
Y -- The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge, by Anderson and Yelchin
Z -- Why Democracies Die, by Levitsky and Ziblatt

So as we see, I had to cheat a little bit on J, X, Y and Z and use author's names.  And I couldn't find a Q at all, unless we count a book by one Nick Joaquin.  Does that mean I need more books?  Probably not -- I have too many already!

Anyway, this was fun and I hope to see others do it too!


  1. Fun list! When I do mine I'm probably going to have to do that unread Xenophon as well...

    I really liked The Thirty Years' War when I read it years ago.

  2. That is very helpful to know, because I bought it with enthusiasm but it has been looking pretty daunting lately...thanks!

  3. All but the Q is very impressive Jean!
    I’ve only read Winchester’s surgeon of crowthorn book about the creation of the OED which was fascinating. Krakatoa is the other one his books that appeals to me most.

    Thanks for joining in 😊

  4. Thanks Brona! I'm not really much of a Winchester fan but it was recommended by a friend as just fascinating and one of their all-time favorite reads.

  5. Spreadsheets! Organised bookshelves! That doesn't sound like me at all! But this is a meme I tried before but as authors to read through the year (and, yes, Xenophon was there, and yes, I did read it, the Persian Expedition).

    Can't say I recognise many on your list but I'll have a little explore...

  6. Librarians need spreadsheets sometimes! And we're pretty good at organized bookshelves, though my own at home are admittedly organized on some pretty individualistic principles...


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