It's the Classics Spin #20!

Well, this is just what I need to get back in the groove!  Life kind of took over there for a couple of weeks, and I just haven't seemed to find time for blogging.  Even reading hasn't been doing so hot, though I did finish a very dense history book.  On the other hand, we're having a spectacular (and long!) spring and work has been hopping, so things are fine.  And I love me a Spin!

This is the 20th CC Spin, and I have done every single one, which I believe is something only Brona and I can say.  She can even list all her links, which I have never found the time to collect.  Anyway, the rules are simple: list 20 books from your CC list, and commit to reading the one that comes up on the CC's roulette wheel.  The prize is the reading experience -- admittedly, once in a while you get the booby prize!
Guess I'd better put something good into that 7 slot

1 has been my unlucky number a few times, so I'm going to put something really easy in that slot.  That number has something against me!  The winning number will be announced next week on April 22.

  1. The Claverings, by Anthony Trollope 
  2. The Plague, by Albert Camus
  3. The Burning Plain, by Juan Rulfo
  4. Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens 
  5. Sketches From a Hunter's Album, by Turgenev
  6. Lorna Doone, by R. D. Blackmore
  7. Madwoman on the Bridge, by Su Tong 
  8. Four Stories, by Selma Lagerlöf 
  9. Oblomov, by Goncharov
  10. Paradise of the Blind, by Duong Thu Huong
  11. The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris
  12. Amerika, by Kafka
  13. The Road From Coorain by Jill Ker Conway
  14. Subtly Worded, by Teffi  
  15. Palm-Wine Drinkard, by Tutuola
  16. Lais of Marie de France
  17. The Bride-Price, by Buchi Emecheta
  18. Amrita, Banana Yoshimoto
  19. Stories by Walter de la Mare (vol. 1)
  20. Elizabeth and her German Garden, by Elizabeth von Arnim
Looking at my list, I see it's out of date.  I have a whole pile of African and Latin American literature that I haven't yet put on there.  I'd better do something about that.


  1. Great list -- you have so much variety! I've only read three from the list: Elizabeth and Her German Garden, The Claverings, and Our Mutual Friend, all of which I've loved. I hope you get one of those!

    Best of luck with your spin pick!

  2. You're such an avid reader that some of these must be re-reads for you. I can't wait for the day when I have to search for classics that I haven't read. Have a great spin, Jean!

  3. I popped my Dickens into position no. 4 so we can share an author if that one spins our way.

    Happy 20th spin Jean!!

  4. Karen, all of those look good to me, so I'll agree with you. :)

    Cleo, all of these are new to me except that I started the Well at the World's End years ago, but it was in a pdf format that I was constantly having to adjust so I quit.

    Thanks Brona, that would be fun!

  5. Oooh. That is an interesting list. I read The Plague in high school (I remember liking it) and Our Mutual Friend pretty recently (great!) but I want a spin for you of something I don't know from that list. And there are lots of them!

  6. Your description of the last couple of weeks sounds straight out of my life and yes, I do love me a Spin too! You have done all 20??? Oh!! Gosh! I am snowed by both you and Brona! I am very intrigued by the list and have not read any, except Elizabeth and her German Garden, which I quite enjoyed! All the best with your Spin!!

  7. You always have such interesting lists, Jean. I'm not really familiar with most of the titles here, so I look forward to reading about whatever you read. There must be something about the first slot - I did the same thing with number 1!

    Happy reading!

  8. Our Mutual Friend is one of my favorite Dickens, I hope you'll get that.

    Good luck with the spin, Jean!😊

  9. Ooh, great list. I hope you get Sketches from a Hunter's Album or the Plague! Would love to hear your thoughts.

  10. Wowee, you have done all twenty??? Hat is off to you :)

    I wish you a very successful #20, ma'am!


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