Favorite Podcasts

I've been listening to some really great language or literature podcasts lately, and I thought I'd let you in on the fun in case you didn't know about these yet.  Probably you do, because I cannot claim to be terribly knowledgeable or cool about podcasts!  My list is not long, and I mostly only listen to them when I'm walking on my own, am alone in the car, or possibly sometimes while folding a mountain of laundry.  Still, I really like these, and here they are:

The History of English, by Kevin Stroud.  This might be my very favorite podcast.  Kevin starts with Indo-European and takes us on a detailed, fascinating trip through the history of the English language.  I'm on episode 62 and we're almost to the Norman Conquest, so there is a lot of information!

Medieval Death Trip, by Patrick Lane.  I'm the last to know about this fabulous podcast; my mom told me about it.  In every episode, Patrick reads a selection from a lesser-known medieval text and then talks about it.  It's great and anybody with the slightest interest in medieval history will want to listen to it.

Clear and Present Danger, by Jacob Mchangama.  I listen to several free speech podcasts, but this one is the most relevant here.  This is a global history of free speech, starting with the ancient Greeks.  It's pretty great information, and there's the bonus of listening to Jacob's homey (to me) Danish accent.

Slightly Foxed, by Gail, Hazel, and others.  While I adore the Slightly Foxed books and ideals, I am not a subscriber.  I do the next best thing and listen to this podcast, which is still in its infancy but so far has been lovely.

Shedunnit, by Caroline Crampton.  This is my newest discovery; I've only listened to one episode out of the eight.  It's a very new podcast too!  It's about the Golden Age of detective fiction and the women who wrote the books.  My coworker, a true crime podcast addict, hooked me up with this one.

I have other, non-literary, podcasts I listen to as well, but I figured those were not as relevant.  Maybe you'll find something here to enjoy.  Do you have favorite bookish podcasts to recommend?


  1. By far my favorite bookish podcast is Tea or Books? hosted by Simon from Stuck in a Book and Rachel from Bookssnob. Every podcast they debate two topics, i.e., books set on trains vs. books set on boats; then they debate two different books, sometimes from the same author, sometimes from two different authors. They mostly do female authors, a lot of Persephones, Viragos, a lot of mid-century and middlebrow. They're very funny and insightful and I always get something out of their podcasts, whether I've read the books or not.

    I also enjoy Backlisted, and I was listening to Obscure by Michael Ian Black, in which he was reading a chapter of Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure and commenting while he went along. I really enjoyed it but made the mistake of reading ahead in the book and there was a shocking plot twist, so I had to take a break from it. I should start it again though, he's very funny and frequently digresses.

  2. Oooh, some of these sound right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!!

    I used to do a literary podcast, called Classic Considered: http://www.classicsconsidered.com/search/label/Season%203

    It was great fun, but with my "real job" getting more busy, I couldn't keep up with it. Someday I may start it up again...

  3. How brave. I would never in a zillion years do a podcast of any kind!


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