A little bit of fall news

Every day, I plan to write on my blog, and every day, it gets crowded out!  The pile of books on my desk is not getting smaller, and I miss writing.  So I've got one scheduled for tomorrow, and here's a quick post on some other things.

The school year is going nicely, with me at work, one new college student taking anatomy, and a high-school sophomore loving marching band.  Friday night was the local Big Game between the two high schools, and the marching band put on a complicated, ambitious half-time show that they've been working on for weeks.  Afterwards, they get on the field with the other school's band and have a 'battle of the bands,' playing songs for and with each other, that is really fun.  I missed out on the whole thing, sadly, because...

Friday night was also the annual Trivia Bee fundraiser for the county Literacy Services.  It went really well and was a lot of fun, and our team won bronze.  If I had remembered calcium carbonate, we would have won the gold, so calcium carbonate is haunting my dreams.  Next year!

I've also been scrambling to complete a quilt project for my quilt guild's 2018 Challenge (there is a challenge every other year, and this is the first one I've participated in, since I've only been a member for about 2 years; I joined right as the last one was ending).  This year, it's a small quilt (24" square max) and must include an animal, and it's due this week.  I can't show you mine, since there will be judging next month and it's all anonymous until after that, but I'll hint that it has a connection with this very blog!  Small as it is, this project was very difficult for me since the whole thing was improvised without any pattern or anything, and I'm not used to making things up as I go.  If I win a prize, it will probably be for Oddest Quilt, or maybe Brightest.

Oh, and I sewed up a Toothless sweatshirt, too!  Since it's black on black, it's not much use trying to show you the wings and spine on the back.


  1. I have had absolutely NO brain power for writing lately and it's so sad, so I understand this post so much! I home educate a bunch of children, so I feel empty mentally at the end of the day. Whew. :) It's hard to be a writer mom, but I know so many people do it and do many other amazing things and write, so it can be done in theory, right? :)

  2. Homeschooling is a full-time job all on its own, which makes it hard to do a lot else! I'm not sure how other people do it, but I suspect they have household help....

  3. Don't forget to show us the quilt later. Now I'm really curious!

  4. Oh, I will! I will not be able to resist showing it off. :)


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