Announcing Elizabeth Goudge Day!

Elizabeth Goudge was born on April 24th, 1900, and for her birthday, we are going to celebrate her many lovely books!  Jorie at Jorie Loves a Story and I will be co-hosting this event.  If you've never read one of Goudge's novels, I do hope you'll pick one up and give her a try.  She's a real favorite of mine, and wrote lovely children's books as well as adult novels.  (Her Little White Horse was famously a childhood favorite of J. K. Rowling's, and it does make a great place to start!)

Jorie will be hosting a readalong of the historical novel Towers in the Mist, set in the late sixteenth century.  We've been saving our copies for this and we hope you can track one down too!

I will be hosting a giveaway of The Dean's Watch, generously donated by Hendrickson Publishers.  I also hope you'll share your reading and favorite Goudge books with us!


  1. Hooray, I'm so glad you will host this! I have Gentian Hill and The Castle on the Hill to read - should start one of those.

  2. I've never read the Castle on the Hill! I loved Gentian Hill though, it's lovely.

  3. I've been a Goudge fan since 5th grade, when I bought a copy of Linnets and Valerians and another of The Little White Horse while on holiday in Britain. That makes it more than 40 years. I don't know which book I'll reread for Elizabeth Goudge Day this year, but I'll definitely be reading something!

  4. I'm thinking about re-reading Linnets and Valerians too. I love that story! Even though I didn't discover it till I was grown up.

  5. I am a big Goudge fan also but not sure I will have time to participate this year. I will enjoy your reviews, however!

    I just came back from a trip to England with my mother. We thought about visiting Wells in Goudge's honor but it was the wrong direction from our other plans so it will have to wait for another trip.


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