Classics Club Spin #16!

Hooray, it's my favorite thing, a Classics Club Spin!  I have plenty to choose from now, since I'm on my new list and I've barely made a dent in it.  I spent a good part of the year reading books for my Reading All Around the World project, for one thing.  Some of these titles work for both at once!  My problem is that there is just too darn much good stuff to read....anyway, here are my 20 Spin titles.  You probably know the rules, or you can visit the Spin page to learn them.  Join in!

  1. Palm-Wine Drinkard, by Tutuola
  2. Memoirs of the Crusades
  3. Walls of Jericho, by Rudolph Fisher 
  4.  Henry IV, Part I, by Shakespeare
  5.  Selections of Anglo-Saxon literature (aka The Age of Bede)
  6. The Faithful River, by Stefan Zeromski
  7. Jurgen, by James Branch Cabell 
  8. Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson
  9. Stories/essays of Lu Xun
  10. Lais of Marie de France
  11. Miss MacKenzie, by Anthony Trollope  
  12. First Love and Other Stories, by Turgenev  
  13. The Duchess of Malfi, by John Webster
  14. The Glatstein Chronicles
  15.  The Plague, by Albert Camus
  16.  Plum Bun, by Jessie Redmon Fauset
  17.  Hunger, by Knut Hamsun
  18. Down and Out in Paris and London, by George Orwell
  19.  Walpurgisnacht, by Gustav Meyrink
  20. The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris
 (I've been posting about everything *but* books I've read lately...and I have plenty to talk about!)


  1. wow, some cool books here, especially 10 and 18! Mine is here:

  2. I hope you get #7 simply because it's wavering on my TBR & I want to know what you think. :)

  3. The Plague is a good one.

  4. Now that's an unusual list! I have only read two of those books.

  5. I don't know many of your books or authors. I also want to read Turgenev and Knut Hamsun. Let's see what we get.

  6. Wow, what an interesting list. I don’t think I’ve even heard that more of a few of the titles. I’m really intrigued to see what you get and hopefully learn more about a new-to-me book. Happy spinning!

  7. Silvia and Amanda, I do like oddballs! :)

  8. Me too, Jean. I'm coming back for inspiration.


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