Classics Spin Number....

And it's #1, which means....Light in August, by William Faulkner.


Really, Faulkner?

My doom is come upon me.

I kind of thought #1 wouldn't happen because, hey, we had #1 already a few Spins ago, but that's randomness for you.  Still.  Faulkner.


I have read exactly one Faulkner title in the past, in Comparative Literature 1B in my first semester at Cal in the spring of 1992.  I think it was Absalom, Absalom! but I don't really know at this distance.  There may have been something about a funeral and a bridge.  It made no sense to me.  I think I put Faulkner on my CC list because it was so scary, and also because my American literature is so awful in general.  I'm now re-thinking the wisdom of that decision.

I've put a hold on it at the public library.  I ought to be able to get it at work, but during the Great Summer Weed I noticed that all the famous Faulkner titles had disappeared over the years (like they do--they get lost or wander away) so that only the titles nobody has heard of were left on the shelf, and the replacements I ordered have not yet finished processing.

OK, now I'm just babbling in panic.  So.  Faulkner.  Here we go.  [Bob the Tomato] I can DO this. [/Bob the Tomato]


  1. LOL! Just tell yourself at least you didn't get Finnegans Wake. Now don't you feel better? ;-)

    Ooo, I just looked ..... it's not a short book, is it? Well, I don't know what to say ..... I'm sorry ...... don't cry ...... take a Valium .....????

    In any case, I hope it's not as bad as you expect! Chin up! :-)

  2. You never know, you might really end up liking it. My first spin pick was "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and I ended up really enjoying it. I've only finished one book by Faulkner, "As I Lay Dying." Once I got used to the shifting narrators, I quite liked it. Best of luck!

  3. OK, at least I didn't get Finnegan's Wake. I actually have no idea how long Light in August is...did I accidentally pick a chunkster? Eep.

    I read part of Lady Chatterley's Lover and I hated it. :D

  4. Don't panic!) Actually, ai remember loving this book, although as with you and Absalom, I don't remember much about the plot... I finished it in a week actually for an online course, and it was a pretty easy read. So GOOD LUCK!

  5. Don't panic!) Actually, ai remember loving this book, although as with you and Absalom, I don't remember much about the plot... I finished it in a week actually for an online course, and it was a pretty easy read. So GOOD LUCK!

  6. You can do it! I read this book in college, and I legit hated it BUT we have different reading tastes, and maybe it'll be awesome for you! I remember almost nothing about it. Possibly someone gets dismembered? I don't even know.


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