Book Blogger Appreciation Week, coming up!

I signed up for this!  Look out, because I even signed up to interview another book blogger.  I've never done BBAW before, and this year it's being hosted by The Estella Society.  

The topics:

Day 1 Introduce yourself by telling us about five books that represent you as a person or your interests/lifestyle.
Day 2 Interview Day! If you choose to be part of the interviews (in the form down below), you’ll be assigned a fellow blogger to chat with and post about! Sign-ups for interviews close on Wednesday, February 10! 
Day 3 What have you read and loved because of a fellow blogger?
Day 4 How do you stay connected to the community? Examples: social media, regular commenting, participation in blog events, etc. Tell us your faves!
Day 5 One of the unfortunate side effects of reading and blogging like rockstars seems to be a tendency toward burnout. How do you keep things fresh on your blog and in your reading?

Watch for BBAW articles all over the place!


  1. Perfect timing because i've nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award:


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