Classics Club Spin #11!

Hooray, it's time for another Spin!  If you don't know about the Classic Spin, you can find all the information at the link.

I am starting to run pretty low on titles!  This is good news, but it does mean that there are really gigantic books on my list that I cannot realistically expect to finish by February 1.  However, here we go, sometimes with comments:
  1. William Faulkner,  Light in August. (what was I thinking, putting Faulkner on my CC list?)
  2. Pensees, Pascal
  3. Mario Benedetti, The Truce  
  4. On the Origin of Species, Darwin 
  5. Unknown, Japan, 630. The Kojiki
  6. Thomas Mann, Germany, 1924. The Magic Mountain.
  7. Mario Vargas Llosa, The War at the End of the World.
  8. “Our Town,” Thornton Wilder.  (I have never read or seen this play!)
  9. Cesar Vallejo, Los Heraldos Negros.
  10. Murasaki Shikubu, Japan, ca. 990.The Tale of Genji
  11. Picnic At Hanging Rock, by Joan Lindsay
  12. Rilke, Malte Laurids Brigge. 
  13. John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  14. Cesar Vallejo, Poemas Humanos.
  15. Augusto Roa Bastos, I the Supreme or another work.
  16. The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams  (another classic American play I've never read)
  17. Gunter Grass, The Tin Drum
  18.  Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks
  19. Grimmelhausen, Simplicissimus (this is cheating a leetle bit because I started this title recently, but it's so scary I think I can get away with it)
  20. “Why We Can’t Wait,” Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. I hope you get Picnic at Hanging Rock. I've wanted to read this since I saw someone group it with Shirley Jackson. I'm reading some Thornton Wilder plays at the moment, and I like what I've read so far. But The Magic Mountain was a book that was painful for me to read. The main character frustrated me to no end. If the Spin is #6, then I hope you like it much better than I did!

  2. I read my first Faulkner this year and I'm with you... what were you thinking putting Faulkner on your list? ;)

  3. I vote for Gregory of Tours! The Magic Mountain is looooong and Origin of Species would be painful. I've read the first and got halfway through the second before having to be awakened from my coma ..... ha, ha! ;-) Oh, and Pascal might be good, but deep. Well, all I can say is good luck!

  4. I haven't read anything on your list, but I have been meaning to get around to The Magic Mountain for years.

  5. Wow, this is a great list. What a variety!

  6. I also have a Faulkner on my master list, though it's not on my Spin List this time. Also procrastinating . . .
    I read several books by Faulkner in college and I think Light in August was the one I liked best, but that was ages ago, so that's not exactly a solid endorsement.

  7. Yes you do have some rather heavy books on that I wish you Picnic at Hanging Rock - a slimmer Australian classic to warm you over the winter months (it's set in the height of a blazing Australian summer).

    Happy spin


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