Upcoming events: a bunch of cool stuff!

There are some fun things coming up in April and May....

Lory at Emerald City Book Review had the brilliant idea of hosting an Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week!  This is fabulous news to Goudge fans like me.  I don't know whether to re-read an old favorite, or track down one I haven't read yet, or why not do...both?  Head on over to Lory's place and see if you can find an Elizabeth Goudge title to enjoy!

And all of April will be Anthony Trollope Month, for Karen at Books and Chocolate is hosting a 200th birthday party for him!  I love Trollope and would very much like to be in on this event, but I've also discovered that I may have a little trouble getting the book I want in time.  I've put a hold on it though, so wish me luck.

In May, Cleo at Classical Carousel will be hosting a month-long readalong of Beowulf This will give us all plenty of time to read it carefully--it's not that long--and I think I will read the new Tolkien prose edition, which has been waiting patiently by my bedside for me.  I've read the Heaney version a couple of times already, and I may do it again, but I also have a different poetic translation around here that I might try.  Because, why not enjoy ALL the Beowulf

I certainly hope I can participate in all of these.  Because they are all fantastic.  Yay for book bloggers!


  1. I'm so happy to hear that you're going to participate in the Beowulf read-along! Yay!

    I'm going to participate in the Goudge reading week and informally participate in the Trollope month, only because I am in the middle of Framley Parsonage, yet I have so much else going on, that it's been a very slow process. I doubt I'll get through it by the end of the month and I don't want a fail-challenge, so informal it is!

    There are so many good things going on in the next couple of months, aren't there?

  2. This is where I'm grateful for e-books, because the Trollope month took me by surprise (I thought it was going to start on his birthday, April 24), but I was able to download a free copy of Doctor Thorne and start reading right away. Yay! If I had to wait till I could get to the library it might not happen.


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