Candide Readalong

When I put Candide on my Spin list, Fariba at Exploring Classics let me know about her planned March readalong.  Perfect timing!  Candide is on my official TBR must-read list for this year, so it will be nice to share a readalong.

Fariba says:
I will be reading the work in the original language, but all posts will be in English. Here is the posting schedule:
Monday, March 10 : chapters 1-8
Monday, March 17: chapters 9-16
Monday, March 24: chapters 17-24
Monday, March 31: chapters 25-30 (last post)
After I post about a series of chapters, you have a whole week to comment on those chapters.
I'm pretty nervous about it now that I've read up a bit on it.  I'm not sure it sounds very pleasant.  So we shall see.  But happily several of my bloggy friends have joined up too!


  1. Well, pleasant, no, that's not the right word. But everything turns out for the best in the end. It is the best of all possible worlds.

  2. So I hear. :/ I have a feeling I will be cheering myself up with DWJ a lot.

  3. I'm glad to see you're joining in, Jean. We can help each other through this interesting read. I'm a little hesitant after researching it, too. I remember Voltaire from high school and I was not left with fond feelings towards him, although I can't exactly remember why. Hopefully this read will help me appreciate him more.

  4. Yes, I have been eyeing it! I don't really have the money to purchase it at the moment, but I'm also thinking that this may be my only read through Candide and it might be nice to have all the help I can get. I'll mull it over …...

  5. Thanks for the suggestion, Tom--since I only have a Dover Thrift edition, I looked around and got a library copy of the Norton. I bet that will help.


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