To my brother: NO PEEKING.  And no complaining if you do peek.

Stamping Ground hosts What's on Your Workdesk?  Wednesday every week.

Operation Smocking Insanity is just about finished!  I need to add 5 little bullion flowers in the main diamonds, and finish a few little tidying-up details and it is all done--a sundress complete with fancyband, smocking front and back, and a pretty ribbon.  I have done practically nothing this week but smock, and now I am all. smocked. out.  I don't think I'll have anything next week for WOYWW.

I apologize for the truly horrible quality of these photos and the fact that the green t-shirt clashes horribly with the different green in the dress.  I took them very fast while my daughter complained.  I think the dress is going to be too long--which I guess is better than the too-small dress I produced last year.   Maybe some tucks?

Front--needs flowers in the diamonds


Whole thing


  1. wow well done I take my hat off to you as that is a craft outside my ability. It looks lovely
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #40

  2. Wow - such detailed smocking - how clever are you ! Ali #129

  3. Love that smocking! My mum used to smock but I never had the patience! Chris#126

  4. Let's see--- you made a sundress with a fancy border and a smocked yoke front AND back, and I made a pair of elastic-waisted shorts.

    You win!

  5. Lovely details, such intricate work! Barb #132

  6. I think the colour and light in your photos is great,smocking brings back memories, I havent seen smocking since I was little
    Bridget #28

  7. so pretty, well done.
    Karen #61

  8. Lovely smocking! Happy WOYWW.

    I am doing as advised, and visiting all people ending with the same end number as me which is 7, I visited a few randoms too!

    Cazzy x #87

  9. Very hard to do -- good job! Happy belated WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #96

  10. Love job with the dress! I don't sew at all. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #101


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