The Laughter of Dead Kings

The Laughter of Dead Kings, by Elizabeth Peters

I found another Vicky Bliss novel!  It's a new one!  Oh wow!  If you're not familiar with the Bliss stories, there are only a few of them and they are older.  Vicky is a historian who gets caught up in international intrigue at the drop of a hat. And Elizabeth Peters wrote just one more!

This time, Vicky's boyfriend (reformed international art thief John) and good friend Faisal (Egyptian historian) arrive at her apartment at the same time.  Faisal needs help, because the single most famous mummy of all time has been stolen!  Off they go to figure out who has the mummy before the theft is discovered, and lots of adventure happens.

There are a few inside nods to Peters' other series and even an appearance by the author herself, so it's just a really fun read--a perfect Peters story.  If you're a fan of her stories, by the way, you'll want to visit Bookshelves of Doom the week of March 3, because she has declared it to be Petersweek at her blog.  I'm looking forward to that!


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