Reading Update

Adam is a demanding challenge host.  It's January 15th and he's already asking for an update!  Now you may have noticed that while I've been posting incredibly fascinating introductions to classic children's authors, I haven't actually produced any book reviews yet this year (oh, I guess I did--but they were for books finished before the New Year).  It must be some sort of record for me not to have finished a single book in the last two weeks!  I have two excuses: things have been very busy indeed, and also I've been reading several really long books at the same time.

Last year at this time I was polishing off an average of a book a day.  I must have had a very quiet vacation, because so far this month I've barely had a chance to sit down with a book!  We've had family visiting from far away, we spent a day doing historical re-enactment at Sutter's Fort (which requires a lot of preparation, and I honestly had a rotten attitude about the whole thing and then I had to repent when it turned out to be a great day, with perfect sunny weather even), and school started back up long before I was ready for it.  I don't even go back to work until next week and I'm feeling overwhelmed!

So here are the books I am reading right now--you'll see why I haven't finished any.  The page numbers are approximate.

Anna Karenina--600/900+ pages
Portrait of a Lady--250/800 pages
India: A Sacred Geography--150/450 pages
Five Billion Vodka Bottles to the Moon--nearly finished with this normally-sized book!
Reached: 150/500 pages

I'm reading too many books that are too long all at once.  I had thought that Anna Karenina was on my list for Adam's challenge--it would certainly qualify--but apparently I didn't put it on that particular list at all.  I just now figured this out.  Dang.  So, all this is to say that I have not yet even started on my RBR TBR Challenge list, even though I thought I had.  But I'm enjoying all of them very much, so it's all good.


  1. Hah! I get my challenge and non-challenge books mixed up all the time. I'll think a book is on a list when it's not, or I'll think it's not on a list when it's on all 3!

  2. LOL, I do that all the time too. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone! Good luck with the TBR challenge!

  3. I just finished The Mysteries of Udolpho, and between busy life and it being a longer book, it's the first book I've finished this week! V strange after all my reading last week, but a nice break too. :)

    You reminded me that Eck has been on my 'to try out' list for ages & I just requested one of her older books from the library! Curious to see what you make of the India one.

  4. The India one is neat so far but sometimes repetitive, and oddly academically-politically-correct at times. She's said several times now that your basic political map is a colonial thing that has little to do with how people experience their landscape, or something like that, which I think is kind of a pointless thing to say.

  5. That, however, is nitpicking, and overall I'm enjoying the book just fine.


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