Greek Classics: January Wrap-Up

Have you been reading Euripedes or Sophocles? This is the place to be! Link up to your posts for the Greek Classics Challenge here, or comment and tell me about what you've been up to. I hope you've gotten off to a good start!


  1. I've read three of Euripides' plays so far for this challenge. I'm going to start trying to tackle some non-fiction in Feb, so we'll see how that goes!

  2. Oh God, I've got such a bad conscience! I was looking forward to this challenge so much, but I haven't managed to read a single play for it in January.
    Yes, shame on me!
    I promise February will be better!

  3. I haven't managed to post yet, but I read Sophocle's Theban Plays in the Fagles translation! They were so rich, which made for a great read, but he hasn't taken over Aeschylus' place as my favourite Greek playwright. ;)

    I've also begun my reread of The Odyssey (I have read it since high school!); I asked my library to buy the audiobook of the Fagles translation w Ian McKellen narrating, and it did. Yay!


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