Classics Challenge 2012

It's that time of year again, when we get to sign up for next year's reading challenges! I have gone overboard, again. My first pick is the Back to the Classics Challenge 2012. Here are the rules:
  1. Challenge runs from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Books started before January 1st do not count, and all links/reviews/comments for each category must be posted in the correct place by December 31st. Feel free to join in at any time, but the end date is December 31.
  2. Please feel free to use books in this Challenge toward any other Challenge you may be participating in. However, you must read a different book for each category of this challenge. Audio and e-books are allowed.
  3. Please sign up for the Challenge using the linky list (or comment section if you do not have a blog/website).
  4. Once the Challenge has begun, you will see a new bar on the left hand side of this blog. This will list the places for you to link/comment your reviews of the book you have read for each category as well as a "wrap up" page.
  5. THERE IS A PRIZE THIS YEAR! People who complete the challenge (and I will check that all categories are completed!) will be entered into a random drawing for $30 worth of books (Book Depository will be used for an International Winner). I may have other prizes as well.

Here are my picks for each category, but don't hold me to it.
  • Any 19th Century Classic--I'm thinking Doctor Thorne, a Barsetshire novel.
  • Any 20th Century Classic--maybe Slaughterhouse Five? I've never read that.
  • Reread a classic of your choice--The Master and Margarita. I loved it in college and remember almost nothing about it.
  • A Classic Play--I'll pick a Shakespeare, or something. Maybe The Tempest.
  • Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction--Dracula. If I've ever read it, I've forgotten.
  • Classic Romance--Er. I'm going to need suggestions.
  • Read a Classic that has been translated from its original language to your language - so many to choose from!
  • Classic Award Winner - To clarify, the book should be a classic which has won any established literary award. -- The Age of Innocence, which won a Pulitzer in 1921.
  • Read a Classic set in a Country that you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime - (To clarify, this does not have to be a country that you hope to visit either. Countries that no longer exist or have never existed count.) --Again, it's hard to choose. Also, I really hope to visit a lot of countries, so I might have to pick a made-up one.
Join me for some fun reading! I'll be posting my other challenge picks in short order.


  1. Thanks for joining in! I could never make you stick to your choices (and you do have some great ones) because I always end up changing titles myself!

  2. Thanks Sarah! I do change my mind a lot.

  3. Classic Romance - I picked 'Persuasion', and for the country you will not realistically visit, I went for Charlotte Bronte's Tales of Angria. I struggled to pick that one, too - I want to visit a lot of countries!


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