A Fun Game

Here's a cute little game I found on Subtle Melodrama. Fill in the statements with the titles of books you've read this year!

In high school I was Living Oprah
People might be surprised I’m At Home
I will never be the Heir of Redclyffe
My fantasy job is (at) Planet Narnia
At the end of a long day I need Strength in What Remains
I hate it when the Luck of the Irish Ran Out
Wish I had a Doll's House
My family reunions are the Day of the Triffids
At a party you’d find me with People of the Book
I’ve never been to Barchester Towers
A happy day includes a Room with a View
Motto I live by: We've Got Issues
On my bucket list is 2012 and the End of the World
In my next life, I want to have the Mystic Grail


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